Vous ?tes lyc?en, ?tudiant en histoire, en anglais, lettres, bi-licence en LEA, AES, en ?cole de commerce, science politique ou bien juste curieux d'en savoir plus sur les ?tats-Unis ? La Civilisation am?ricaine facile est l'ouvrage qu'il vous faut.
Riche de nombreux documents, La Civilisation am?ricaine facile se compose de 13 unit?s proposant syst?matiquement des s?quences de cours et d'exercices corrig?s, ainsi que de 2 unit?s de r?vision.
Complet, illustr? avec justesse et pertinence, enti?rement r?dig? dans un anglais accessible, cet ouvrage vous permettra de mesurer la singularit?, la complexit? et la richesse de la soci?t? am?ricaine, mais aussi de mieux comprendre les questions ?conomiques, politiques et sociales dans les ?tats-Unis d'aujourd'hui, et de mieux comprendre le monde dans lequel nous vivons. Favorisant un apprentissage progressif et interactif, La Civilisation am?ricaine facile met la civilisation am?ricaine ? votre port?e
Are you a high school student, or a student of History, English, Arts, or studying a dual diploma, Applied Foreign languages, the French A.E.S. degree, in business school, Political Science, or are you just curious about the United States? Would you like to master the ins and outs about American life, organization and culture?
American Civilization Made Simple is the book for you!
Enriched by numerous documents and source materials, American Civilization Made Simple has 13 units that systematically present classroom activities and exercises with answers provided, as well as two review units.
Comprehensive, clearly and suitably illustrated, written in plain and engaging English, this book will enable you to determine the uniqueness, complexity and richness of American society, its economical, political and social issues, and to better understand the world in which we live.
American Civilization Made Simple offers a dynamic and interactive approach that will put you in command of American civilization.