Little Roald grew up in the city of Cardiff in Wales. He loved to spend time reading with his family and visiting the local sweetshop for yummy chocolatey treats. But he found school difficult.
No one believed in Roald's potential. When Roald finished school, he was ready to make his life an adventure! He travelled the world and saw some amazing sights. When World War II started, he was ready to serve his country and joined the air force. During his service, his plane crashed over a desert, leaving him blind for a period of time.
Roald wrote about his experience of the crash, and enjoyed doing it so much that from then on, he knew he wanted to be an author. Roald began crafting books for children, working away in the shed at the bottom of his garden. From Charlie and the Chocolate Factory to James and the Giant Peach, his wonderful stories have captivated generations of readers.